mid-year check in self care

The Mid-Year Check In

Can you believe we’re halfway through 2023?  I say around this time is the perfect opportunity to check in.  To pause and reflect on the Wellness Vision you created and …

Approach each day with Presence

Two weeks after the new year, I’ve finally gathered my thoughts and decided on my one-word intention for 2023. PRESENCE. Presence, meaning the state of being present, not just physically, …

gift of health

The Gift of Good Health

Your Health Matters Most. It’s the Perfect Gift for Yourself. Do you look forward to the holiday season? Christmas is my favorite time of the year. While I can get …

believe you can

Believe You Can

Making things happen in your life requires a faith, or an ability to believe that is unshakable, regardless of your circumstances. Les Brown Do you have an unshakable belief that …